October 28, 2013

Marching Fun From That College Band in Ohio

Today I was going to do a post about a tree (no, really), until I ran across the video below of the Ohio State University Marching Band. While I will always be partial to my alma mater, having marched with the Auburn University Marching Band for 3 years, even I can admit that the OSU band puts fun shows on the field now and then. So sit back, go full screen if you can, and enjoy the sounds and visuals of this Hollywood Blockbuster Show:

October 16, 2013

I Remember an America

I admit, I'm in a mood, and I'm busy, so there hasn't been much content here lately. I came across this song / video today though, and it kind of captures my feelings for the moment.

The song is called "I Remember An America" by Jerry Fagan. I've never heard of him before, but I am glad to have run across this song. It feels like a lament, and perhaps it is, but again, I'm in a mood. Sorry about that, but it is what it is.