September 11, 2010

Patriot Day 2010

Today, I don't feel inclined to craft any major retrospective of the events surrounding 9/11. This may be in part because next year, 2011, will mark ten years from that fateful day. My reticence may also be in part because of the current controversies over the proposed mosque near Ground Zero, and the shameful grandstanding of a seriously misguided Florida pastor (and others around the country) and the media's exploitation of his seriously aberrant methods.

As of this morning, the burning has apparently been called off. About this issue, I will only say this. Whatever else he thinks he's doing, this "witness" of his is as far from the Gospel as you can get. Burning the Koran, like burning Harry Potter books or rock-n-roll albums and so forth, do absolutely nothing to further the message of Jesus Christ. And I dare someone to prove it to me otherwise. Beware the wolf in sheep's clothing, because the message he is preaching through this act - if he had gone through with it - looks nothing like the manner in which Christians are called to live. Frankly, I'm disgusted by the focus on this guy, not only because it does damage to true Christian witness, but because I feel it takes away from the proper moment of reflection and remembrance that Patriot Day should represent.

Burning the Koran, and planting a mosque in the shadow of Ground Zero, are deeply provocative acts. Under our system of laws, both are legally protected (the latter is somewhat more murky, depending on the source of the funding). I personally approve of neither, but I will resist getting emotionally drawn into either one. I do worry somewhat, though. For instead of a "coming together" on this Patriot Day, we are witnessing an increasing unrest that I can only pray doesn't get out of hand. Future Patriot Day ceremonies may well include large scale protests and counter protests, and heaven forbid, riots.

So today, I may look back over the links in last year's post, and I will post the colors outside my front door. I'll enjoy my family, do some work around the house, and be thankful for the blessings of God and of nation that we have received. And I will remember the fallen and the heroes.