January 10, 2011

Snow of the Century

For North Alabama, I'm not exaggerating too much with a title like that. I was here in 1993, when it snowed 7+ inches and shut down the area for almost 4 days. Starting around 9pm last night and continuing through mid-morning today, we got hit with almost 9 inches of snow. 9! Shortly after it began, it was coming down over an inch per hour. School was out today, and is already cancelled for tomorrow. It has been incredible. Combined with Christmas, we've had 13 inches of snow at my house this winter. In Alabama! Unreal.

We did some sledding, built a big snowman, and had a good time. Nine inches of snow makes a big difference with the performance of the sledding, as compared to the fun we had last February. It wasn't all fun: I elected to go ahead and shovel the driveway. Given the likelihood of a slow melt over the next week, I figured it would be better to shovel the sloped driveway now rather than let it get too icy. It was a nice workout, to say the least.

Here's a small sampling of the pictures we've taken. Enjoy! Click each to enlarge.


Aunt Jeany said...

Love the photos!Beautiful. Tell the boys the snowman is super! Love you, AJ