I have discovered, time and again, that taking a short break in writing creates an inertia that can be hard to overcome. In the last few days, I have struggled to come up with anything substantive to talk about. So, in a effort to kick-start things once again, how about a quick update on our rebuilding project?
As you can see below, Version 2.0 is looking more and more like a house. We have a roof, and we have shingles on the roof.
HVAC planning is in process, and the plumbing and electrical work is underway.
One interesting thing about the plumbing this time, is the use of polyethylene tubing as opposed to copper pipes. Here is some info about them. They seem pretty sturdy, and obviously more flexible. Red for hot water feeds, blue for cold water. What a novel idea. Should avoid the famous steaming toilets scenario (inside joke).
Anyhow, with all of the action now turning to the home interior, progress will have the appearance of moving more slowly, especially once rough-ins are done and the efforts turn to finishing. With daylight fading earlier each day, it also becomes a bit harder to get up there on a regular basis without interrupting the work day. But the importance of staying on top of things does not lessen in the slightest. Fall is here, and maybe by January, we can close on this thing. We'll see.
In closing, it is fall, and while the road to the neighborhood looks vastly different in the sense that so many trees were lost, there is still a bounty of color. With this color bursting all around, I am reminded of just how much we are going to miss our trees out back. Having an expansive view helps, but I will miss the color. Until next time, be well.
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