March 06, 2013

Testing the New Headphones

The company for which I work recently completed a major relocation. We left our original facility, home to us for 8 years, for "new" digs a mile or two away. The new arrangement has us temporarily sharing offices, while some additional renovations at our new facility are completed over the next several months.

Although I have had my own office for the last decade, I'm no stranger to office-sharing, so it is really no big deal. However, I can no longer just close the door and put on background music while I work, or watch that must see news video telling me how screwed up Washington is. So I invested in an inexpensive set of Bluetooth headphones by Kinivo.

But I needed a test run. So what better sound test of frequency range and depth (not to mention assurance that I'm not disturbing my office mate) than to pump up these guys. If you have 26 minutes and 3 seconds to spare, put this on in the background and enjoy. I love this. Oh, and the headphones work great!